Starting a research!

Volunteering in sport activities has been recognized as a valuable way to develop competencies, skills, and values in young people, as well as to promote social inclusion and active citizenship. However, there is a lack of knowledge about young people’s involvement in volunteering in sport activities and their perceptions of it, as well as about the strategies used by local grass-root sport clubs to recruit and sustain volunteers and promote sport activities.

To address this gap, within the project we are starting a desk research in the three partner countries (The Republic of North Macedonia, Croatia and Turkey), targeting young people aged 14-30 and local grass-root sport clubs.

The research aims to identify how young people perceive volunteering in sport activities, how many are involved as volunteers, why they choose to engage in such activities or not, and what competencies, skills, and values can be developed through volunteering in different sport club activities or disciplines, whether individual or team-based. If you are a young person from one of these three countries and you would like to take part in the research please fill in the questionnaire on the following links:

For young people from Macedonia:–z_w4KGo1l27gyJSShYiBVYfaO_exgS9Kk_eWoXMGHg

For young people from Turkey:

For young people from Croatia:

The research will also explore the experience of local sport clubs with volunteers, their recruitment strategies, and activities implemented to promote sport activities and volunteerism in sport. If you are a representative from a sport club from one of these countries and you are interested to join – please contact the organization from your country directly. Info can be found on the about page under Partners in the project.

As a result from the research we will publish a final report that will summarize the results and provide insights into the implications for policy and practice in promoting volunteering in sport activities among young people.

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